Institute for Competitive Intelligence

Institute for Competitive Intelligence
Director: Rainer Michaeli
Advisory council: Prof. Dr. C. S. Fleisher

Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer

Faculty: 24
Founding Year: 2004
Place: Butzbach (Hessia)

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) was founded to provide post-graduate professionals a solid and flexible Competitive Intelligence training program to become a certified CI-Professional. It organizes workshops in 8 countries including the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) offers certificate programs for research, analysis, strategy and management within the field of Competitive Intelligence

It is one of the three post-graduate certification programmes in the field of Competitive Intelligence world wide, beside the French Ecole de Guerre Economique and the Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence in the U.S.

See also: Competitive Intelligence

External links